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Artificial Intelligence

Generative AI


Персонализирана Софтуерна Разработка

Empowering your business with custom software solutions tailored to your needs. Whether it’s desktop, mobile, blockchain, or IoT integrations, we’re here to deliver innovative, scalable, and secure applications that drive your success.

Featured Solutions

Web Development

Crafting responsive, scalable websites and web apps to elevate your online presence.

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Mobile Development

Building custom mobile apps to drive your success—responsive, scalable, and tailored to your needs.

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Cloud App Development

Creating scalable, secure cloud applications to power your business anywhere.

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Desktop Development

Delivering high-performance, custom desktop applications tailored to your needs.

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Streamlining development and operations with efficient, automated DevOps solutions

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Data Science

Unlocking insights and driving decisions with advanced data science solutions.

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Robot arm

How we’re different

By putting people first at every turn, we’ve evolved a consulting
experience like no other. We work to deeply understand your “why” and
deliver practical, end-to-end solutions. From the best strategists to the
most talented engineers and everyone in between, our team members
drive actionable results and long-term impact.

How we ensure

Edge to cloud expertise that transforms IT priorities into outcomes.

Business analysis

Transforming data into actionable insights with expert business analysis to drive smarter decisions.

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Front-end development

Building dynamic, responsive front-end solutions for seamless user experiences across all devices.

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Creating intuitive and engaging UI/UX designs that enhance user experience and drive business success.

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Back-end development

Developing robust and scalable back-end solutions to power your applications and ensure seamless performance.

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Designing scalable, robust software architectures to support your business growth and innovation.

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Integration and Testing

Ensuring seamless integration and reliable performance with thorough testing and quality assurance.

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See how customers are driving growth with BulgarSoft Custom Services


Enabling AI for fire detection with 99.97% availability

Explore how Nestlé, the world’s largest food and beverage company, improved the
availability, agility, and speed of its processes and systems.

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Using AI in predicting prices in manufacturing

See how multinational professional services brand PwC is making it easier for their
professionals and clients to work together everywhere in the world.

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Find out how Topcon provides real-time data across the enterprise with one scalable,
standardized, and cloud-based system.

Ai in HealthCenter for patients care

Read the customer story

Predicting better routes in logistics

Learn how RIHO used product data transparency to better inform its manufacturing
decision-making and create consistent pricing.

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Customer love, redefined

Our focus on our customers, and their customers, is
unwavering. We measure customer love in 10
dimensions and use those metrics to guide our

Momentum that outlasts us

We learn what you need, customize solutions for you,
and work with you side by side to drive results. Along
the way, we upskill and empower your teams to keep
the momentum going after we leave.

Head and heart in everything we do

We show up authentically and get to know you,
leading with empathy and kindness. Projects succeed
or fail because of people, and we get the people part

How we help our planet, communities, and


Children's Soccer Coach


Advancing together, pushing boundaries

Through daily collaboration with our clients, we leverage our strategic partnerships with over 100 top technology providers to deliver innovative ideas and cutting-edge solutions.



Rooted in local expertise, powered by a global reach.

Experience the perfect blend: dedicated consultants focused on your long-term success, grounded in the communities they serve, backed by the power of a vast global network.

Happy Old Man


What matters to you, matters

to us

Our human-centric approach is driven by our vision, purpose, and core values. We envision a world where everyone can love both their life and work, and we are dedicated to making that vision a reality.

Robot arm

Как сме различни

Поставяйки хората на първо място на всяка крачка, разработихме консултация изживяване като никой друг. Ние работим за разберете дълбоко вашето „защо“ и предоставят практични, от край до край решения. От най-добрите стратези на най-талантливите инженери и всички между тях, нашият екип членовете водят до реални резултати и дългосрочно въздействие.

Любов към клиента, предефинирана

Нашият фокус върху нашите клиенти и техните клиенти, е непоколебима. Измерваме любовта на клиента в 10 измерения и употреба тези показатели, които да ръководят нашия бизнес.

Инерция, която ни надживява

Ние научаваме това, от което се нуждаете, персонализираме решения за вас и работа с вас от друга страна, за да стимулирате резултатите. По пътя ние надграждане и овластяване на вашите екипи да поддържат инерцията след като си тръгнем.

Глава и сърце във всичко, което правим

Показваме се автентично и стигаме до познавам, водейки с емпатия и доброта. Проектите успяват или се провалят, защото от хора и получаваме част от хората точно.

Как помагаме на нашите планета, общности, и хората


Children's Soccer Coach


Напредваме заедно, прекрачваме граници

Чрез ежедневно сътрудничество с нашите клиенти ние използваме нашите стратегически партньорства с над 100 водещи доставчици на технологии, за да предоставим иновативни идеи и авангардни решения.



Вкоренен в местния опит, задвижван от глобален обхват.

Насладете се на перфектната комбинация: специализирани консултанти, фокусирани върху вашия дългосрочен успех, базирани в общностите, които обслужват, подкрепени от силата на обширна глобална мрежа.

Happy Old Man


Това, което има значение за вас, има значение за


Нашият ориентиран към човека подход се ръководи от нашата визия, цел и основни ценности. Ние си представяме свят, в който всеки може да обича както живота, така и работата си, и сме посветени да превърнем тази визия в реалност.

Have an idea

  ?  Lets solve it!


Разработка на софтуер по поръчка

 Независимо дали става дума за настолни, мобилни, блокчейн или IoT интеграции, ние сме тук, за да предоставим иновативни, мащабируеми и сигурни приложения, които движат вашия успех.